My mother is European, and I credit that to my early taste for herbs.

What I didn’t realize at the time or even until quite recently, is the nutrient value of herbs and spices. I mean the amazing nutrient value. Did you know that they can increase the antioxidant upload of your meal by 50%? Antioxidants equal anti-rusting of ours cells, preventing mutations and blocking pathogens. And they add so much flavor that salt, oil and butter become second tier, even dispensible. Why not? Have you ever tried it?

Moving closer to nature and a whole food, plant-based “LIFEt” as opposed to “DIEt”, I have become conscious of herbs’ and spices’ nutritional boost, and I was truly amazed at their history in the use of medicine, from Hippocrates onward. Every source of inflammation, from digestion to anxiety has been treated with herbs and spices, and I would be surprised if you didn’t keep a jar or tincture of turmeric in your spice rack or medicine cabinet.

As a nutritional coach and a woman who went from take out dinners and “the gym? Maybe tomorrow,” I have learned the importance of 3 things: Food, particularly unprocessed, plant-based increases my energy and keeps my body and mind healthy; Activity, no matter how long, outside or in, on a daily basis, circulates my blood and moves my lymph; and Nature provides the healthiest foods, the most exhilirating activity and the space that allows me to unwind and be at peace.

Herbs n Spices are nature’s gifts to us in maintaining health while enjoying delicious flavor.

Whatever your preference, salty, pungent, sweet, sour and spicy!

So easy to use, healthy and portable.

Delicious and Nutritious!  Ridiculously Convenient!

Gwennie on the GO oh oh

Seasoning Sachets!
